Unerklärliche Phänomene – Ancient Aliens
Mann und Maschine

So, 30.03.2025 | 14:10 - 15:40
Außerirdische (USA 2018)
Falls außerirdische Kreaturen die Erde schon seit Anbeginn unserer Zeitrechnung besuchen, welchen Einfluss haben sie auf den Verlauf unserer Geschichte, auf die Geographie der Erde und die Evolution der Menschheit? Die Doku-Reihe versucht, Antworten auf diese Fragen zu finden – anhand wissenschaftlicher Expertisen und intensiver Feldforschung.
- Judy Ho (Self - Clinical & Forensic Psychologist)
- Susan Schneider (Self - Professor, University of Connecticut)
- Kevin Warwick (Self - Emeritus Professor, Reading and Coventry Universities)
- William Henry (Self - Author, The Skingularity is Near)
- Michio Kaku (Self - Author, The Future of Humanity)
- Jonathan Young (Self - Founding Curator, Joseph Campbell Archives)
- Matt McMullen (Self - CEO, Realbotix)
- Zack Estrin (Self - Showrunner, Lost in Space (2018))
- David Childress (Self - Author: Technology of the Gods)
- Ramy Romany (Self - Egyptologist)
- Giorgio A. Tsoukalos (Self - Publisher, Legendary Times Magazine)
- Ariel Bar Tzadok (Self - Founder, KosherTorah School)
- Izumi Hasegawa (Self - Shinto Priest)
- Heather Roff (Self - Associate Fellow, University of Cambridge)
- Calum Chace (Self - Author, The Economic Singularity)
- Slawomir Nasuto (Self - Professor, Biomedical Engineering, University of Reading)
- Dennis Hong (Self - Professor & Director Romela, UCLA)
- Marc Ambinder (Self - Professor, USC)
- Veronica Santos (Self - Director, UCLA Biomechatronics Laboratory)
- Linda Moulton Howe (Self - Investigative Journalist, Earthfiles)
- Peter Diamandis (Self - Executive Founder, Singularity University)
- Nick Bostrom (Self - Director, Future of Humanity Institute)
- Jim Green (Self - Chief Scientist)
- Nick Pope (Self - U.K. Ministry of Defence: 1985-2006)
- Sam Butler (Self - Author)
- René Descartes (Self - Philosopher)
- Stephen Hawking (Self)
- Anthony Levandowski (Self - Engineer)
- Elon Musk (Self)
- FSK 12
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